Monday, February 16, 2015


Primers aren't exactly new, nor are new primer launches particularly extra-ordinary. What is rare, however, is a brand launching ten (TEN! 10! DIX!) primers at once; allow me a moment to die, resurrect myself, and introduce you to MAKE UP FOR EVER's Step1 Skin Equalizer.

Admittedly, I'm not a huge fan of primers - I find them tedious, often unnecessary, and if I am to be entirely candid, much of a muchness. That said, I am a huge MAKE UP FOR EVER enthusiast, so I placed my reservations aside and dove in. I was not disappointed.

Divided into two 'categories,' the STEP1 Skin EQUALIZERS have all bases covered. One through five are of the more traditional set - mattifying, smoothing, hydrating, nourishing, and redness correcting. I snagged the smoothing primer. I know, I know, hardly the most interesting choice, but I felt I could best get a sense of MUFE's formula and strengths by selecting one of their more traditional primers. Twas for science, my friends! Equalizers six through ten (EDIT: it appears there are actually eleven primers total, not ten) are the interesting ones, IMO. Named 'Radiant primers,' these five have the added benefit of colour correcting; not only do they impart the coveted lit-from-within, but they also even the complexion and correct minor imperfections. Yes, please!

The smoothing primer, a somewhat beige flesh-toned formula with a certain floral fragrance, does exactly what you might expect. This workhorse smoothed the skin, minimized the appearance of pores, corrected slight redness, and aided with minor texturization. The smoothing primer feels somewhat similar to other pore-diminishing primers - one professional primer in particular (see what I did there?) - but is visibly less heavy and, dare I say, more hydrating. It also enhanced the appearance and longevity of foundation - I intentionally paired the MUFE Equalizer with a foundation I consider a six out of ten and the final result was a nine or ten.

From my experience, albeit limited, I give MAKE UP FOR EVER's STEP1 Skin Equalizers a solid 'YAS' stamp of approval. I absolutely will be trying the other formulas - I'm especially intrigued by the radiant primers. The full range launches later this month at Sephoras countrywide.

Interested? Already tried 'em? Questions? Let me know in the comments!


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